Calgary Ice Breaker Polar Dip 2015 For Nepal - By Old Guys In Action
December 10, 2014

It's cool to be cold!
You've bought the jewelry - your impact has been very significant, but it doesn't have to stop there! Polar dips have been going on around the world for ages. Many raise money for local charities, but some do it just to shake off those winter blues! As a Global Wonder supporter, we extend an invitation to you: SA Foundation is being supported by the 6th Calgary Ice Breaker Polar Dip on January 1st, 2015.
The Plunge is organized by Old Guys In Action faithful supporters of the SA Foundation!
This year all the funds raised go to support our project in Nepal, the home base of Global Wonders. This year we ask you to brave the cold to raise awareness and funds to support our recovery programs and jewelry business in Nepal! Register to plunge into the water at
If everyone donated $20 today, we could be well on our way to reaching our fundraising goal this year! For more information, read on.
On January 1st, 2014 we had our 5th Annual Polar Bear Plunge to raise funds for our global projects! It was a great day for raising money as 50 wonderful people braved the icy waters in the Discovery Ridge pond & 10 plunged for SA Foundation in the UK - raising more than $72,000!! The Plunge is organized by Old Guys In Action and is one of our favorite yearly events! Plungers wore amazing costumes and were able to not only raise incredible funds but also awareness.
The 6th annual plunge is coming up January 1st 2015 – This year all the funds raised go to support our project in Nepal, the home base of Global Wonders. You don’t have to be in Calgary to participate! We’ve even had distance dippers from the UK! If you can’t dip in, chip in by sponsoring one of our brave dipsters here. Our goal this year is $75,000.00 to support our program in Nepal. Register for the dip here!
The best news is, you don't have to wait until January to get involved! We want to see your frozen face! Can you top the dipsters below? Even better, can you photoshop these guys as opera singers? Probably. Send us a picture of your best "frozen plunge" face, before and during your dip!

Plan on wearing a costume? Looking for ideas?
Maybe you'd like to wear that chiffon bridesmaids dress from 1997 that's been collecting dust in the back of your closet. Maybe you want to wear your rival hockey team's jersey to symbolize them being frozen out of the Stanley Cup! Maybe you want to dress as a fisherman and catch a fish with your bare hands! Take a selfie of your costume and send it to us on Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #calgaryicebreaker

Thank you to all our past volunteers and dipsters who helped us raise awareness and funds for our programs! You are braving the ice water to enable women to brave the seemingly insurmountable obstacles in their every day lives as they fight to remain free from sexual exploitation and slavery!
- Your Global Wonders Team
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